Friday, August 31, 2012

Conditional Forwarding in Windows 2003 DNS

Let us begin by discovering where you configure Conditional Forwarding.  Start at the server icon in the DNS snap-in (not the Forward Lookup Zone).  right-click, properties, Forwarders (Tab).

Take the scenario where is an associate of your organization.  Moreover, your users are for ever querying their server.  If kindly provide the IP address of their server which is authoritative for then you can configure that server as a conditional forwarder.
To summarise, the Condition is that one of your clients query is for  The Forwarding is to the IP address specified at the Forwarders tab of your DNS server.
So what would happen without Conditional Forwarding?  The answer is that your server would ' walk the root hints '.  The server (Alan in the diagram), contacts the root server ' . ' on the internet.  The root server forwards your request to the .com server who in turn forwards the request to's server.
In a nutshell, Conditional Forwarding is like taking a short cut.

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